
Swedish Dental Journal 2006/1

Download Swedish Dental Journal 1/2006


A retrospective long term study of teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin posts
Segerström, Astbäck, Ekstrand
page 1

Impaired positioning of the gape in whiplash-associated disorder
Zafar, Nordh, Eriksson
page 9

Analysis of the interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis – A pilot study
Jansson, Lyssenko, Gustavsson, Hamberg, Söderfeldt, Groop, Bratthall
page 17

Periodontal conditions in a Swedish city population of adolescents: A cross-sectional study
Abrahamsson, Koch, Norderyd, Romao, Wennström
page 25

A 20-year study of dentists and dental hygienists, assessment of dental caries lesions in bite-wing radiographs
Gabre, Birring, Gahnberg
page 35