
Swedish Dental Journal 2016/1

Download Swedish Dental Journal 1/2016


The shortened dental arch concept from the perspective of Swedish general dental practitioners: a qualitative study
Korduner, Söderfeldt, Collin Bagewitz, Vult von Steyern, Wolf
page 1

Aural symptoms in patients referred for temporomandibular pain/dysfunction
Mejersjö, Näslund
page 13

Adult heavy and low users of dental services: treatment provided
Nihtilä, Widström, Elonheimo
page 21

Cephalometric analysis of adults with Turner syndrome
Svanberg, Norevall, Ekman, Wahlberg, Bågesund
page 33

Vital root resection with MTA: a pilot study
Tahmooressi, Jonasson, Heijl
page 43

Self-perceived oral health among 19-year-olds in a Swedish county – a comparative study between 2004 and 2011
Ahlvin, Wärnberg Gerdin, Bågesund, Ordell
page 53

Success rate, costs and long-term stability of treatment with activator/ headgear combinations
Hedlund, Feldmann
page 67

Treatment of adolescent patients: a comparative study with twin-block and activator- headgear appliances
Luo Nilsson, Shu, Hedenberg Magnusson, Alatli Burt
page 79

Native-born versus foreign-born patients´ perception of communication and care in Swedish dental service
Olausson, Esfahani, Östlin, Hägglin
page 99

Patient-reported outcomes of caries prophylaxis among Swedish caries active adults in a long-term perspective
Flink, Tegelberg, Arnetz, Birkhed
page 101