
Swedish Dental Journal 2013/1

Download Swedish Dental Journal 1/2013


Clinical signs indicative of temporomandibular disorders in adults: time trends and associated factors
Anastassaki, Köhler, Hugoson, Magnusson
page 1

Self-perceived effects of occlusal appliance therapy on TMD patients: an eight-year follow-up
Linné, Erixon, Ekberg
page 13

Evaluation of preventive programs in high caries active preschool children
Sundell, Ullbro, Koch
page 25

Common experiences of pain in children and adolescents – an Exploratory Factor Analysis of a questionnaire
Krekmanova, Hakeberg, Robertson, Klingberg
page 33

Marginal bone loss in the adult population in the county of Skåne, Sweden
Wahlin, Jansson, Klinge, Lundegren, Åkerman, Norderyd
page 39

Knowledge of periodontitis and self-perceived oral health: a survey of periodontal specialist patients
Mårtensson, Söderfeldt, Axtelius, Andersson
page 49