
Swedish Dental Journal 2011/4

Download Swedish Dental Journal 4/2011


Self-estimated oral and general health are related and associated with clinically investigated dental health.
Engström, Holmlund
page 169

Cellular responses to cobalt-chrome and CP titanium – an in vitro comparison of frameworks for implant-retained oral prostheses
Hjalmarsson,Smedberg, Aronsson, Wennerberg
page 177

Sleeping position and reported quality of sleep – A comparison between subjects demanding treatment for temporomandibular disorders and controls
Göthe Mundt, Helkimo, Magnusson
page 187

Dental agenesis patterns in Crouzon syndrome
Stavropoulos, Bartzela, Tarnow, Mohlin, Kahnberg, Hagberg
page 195

Fluoride toothpaste and toothbrushing; knowledge, attitudes and behaviour among Swedish adolescents and adults
Jensen, Garre, Moberg Sköld, Birkhed
page 203