
Swedish Dental Journal 2011/1

Download Swedish Dental Journal 1/2011


BMI status in Swedish children and young adults in relation to cariesprevalence
Alm, Isaksson, Fåhraeus, Koch, Andersson-Gäre, Nilsson, Birkhed, Wendt
page 1

Comparison between high concentration EDTA (24%) and low concentration (3%) with surfactant upon removal of smear layer after rotary instrumentation: A SEM study
Daghustani, Alhammadi, Merdad, Ohlin, Erhardt, Alquist
page 9

Effect of post-brushing mouthrinsesolutions on salivary fluoride retention
Mystikos, Yoshino, Ramberg, Birkhed
page 17

Firing temperature accuracy of four dental furnacec
Haag, Ciber, Dérand
page 25

Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and periodontitis, a pilot study
Wallin-Bengtsson, Piitulainen, Hamberg, Lindh, Bratthall
page 33

Outcome of scheme for specialist orthodontic care, a follow-up study in 31-year-olds
Lagerström, Fornell, Stenvik
page 41