
Swedish Dental Journal 2010/4

Download Swedish Dental Journal 4/2010


Aesthetic evaluation in subjects treated due to congenitally missing maxillary lateralls
Robertsson, Mohlin, Thilander
page 177

Dental erosion and softdrink consumption in Swedish children and adolescents and the development of a simplyfied erosion partial recording system
Hasselkvist, Johansson, Johansson
page 187

Influence of dietary supplementation with lactobacillus reuteri on the oral flora of healthy subjects
Sinkiewicz, Kronholm, Ljunggren, Dahlén, Bratthall
page 197

Self-perceived oral health and obesity among 65 years old in two Swedish counties
Ekbäck, Näslund, Montgomery, Ordell
page 207

Abstracts of free communications and posters presented at the 46th annual congress of the Swedish Dental Society, Göteborg, November 18-20, 2010