
Swedish Dental Journal 2008/2

Download Swedish Dental Journal 2/2008


Effect of Pilocarpine on impaired salivary secretion in patients with Sjögren´s Syndrome
Jorkjend, Bergenholtz, Johansson, Johansson
page 49

Thirty year trends in the prevalence and distribution of dental caries in Swedish adults (1973-2003)
Hugoson, Kock
page 57

A description of a contemporary human skull material in respect of age, gender, temporomandibular joint changes, and some dental variables
Magnusson, Ernberg, Magnusson
page 69

Self-perceived oral health among 19-year-olds in two Swedish counties
Ekbäck, Nordrehaug, Åstrøm, Klock, Ordell, Unell
page 83

Who cares for the oral health of dependent elderly and disabled persons living at home?
Hagman-Gustafsson, Holmén, Strömberg, Gabre, Wårdh
page 95