
I år firar Odontologisk Riksstämma 60 år och för att uppmärksamma detta har vi bland annat tagit fram tre jubileumsföreläsningar. Dessa föreläsningar är utformade för att reflektera över vår rika historia, inspirera och informera om de senaste framstegen inom dessa tre ämnesområden. Jubileumsföreläsningarna kommer att belysa banbrytande forskning och innovationer som har format och fortsätter att forma tandvården.

Alla jubileumsföreläsningar är på engelska.

Professor Birgit Thilander “State of the art – Orthodontic Technology based on Craniofacial Biology”

Onsdag 13 november 2024 10:45 – 12:15

To have a biological approach in orthodontic treatment is a prerequisite for a successful treatment outcome and to avoid iatrogenic complications. With modern evaluation methods, new insights into the mechanisms behind growth, tooth eruption, tooth movement, and stability after treatment emerge.

The technological advancements in orthodontics are also progressing rapidly. This includes everything from digital planning, prediction, and evaluation, to in-house design and printing of orthodontic appliances, indirect bonding, and aligners, among other advancements.

Despite the technological development, we have the biological frameworks to take into consideration. They do not change just because we use more modern techniques to move teeth.

Professor David Rice from the University of Helsinki and orthodontics specialist Björn Ludwig from Hamburg/Gothenburg University, who are world leaders in these respective fields, will share the latest in orthodontic biology and technology.

Medverkande: Anna Westerlund, Björn Ludwig & David Rice
Arrangör: Göteborgs Tandläkare Sällskap, Svenska Ortodontiföreningen & Svenska Tandläkare-Sällskapet

I professor Jan Lindhes anda

Torsdag 14 november 2024 10:30 – 11:30

Jan Lindhe’s foundational contributions to the science of Periodontology

Panos N. Papapanou, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

Centers of excellence in any given biomedical discipline are those whose foundational contributions to the field epitomize the state of science at the time, but also have a profound impact in shaping future developments. Few centers worldwide fulfill the above criteria as well as the Department of Periodontology at Göteborg University, under the stewardship of its long-time leader Professor Jan Lindhe. The lecture will pay tribute to Professor Lindhe’s legacy by highlighting how the collective research production of his team and his collaborators has played a pivotal role in defining contemporary Periodontology. By methodically dissecting essential clinical questions and providing solid, evidence-based answers, the Göteborg team generated transcendental guiding principles upon which the discipline continues to thrive.

Medverkande: Anna Bogren, Ingvar Ericsson & Panos N. Papapanou
Arrangör: Svenska Tandläkare-Sällskapet & Svensk förening för Parodontologi och implantologi

Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark

Fredag 15 november 2024 10:30 – 11:40

Professor George Zarb
Branemark’s Impact on Prosthodontic Patients
I readily acknowledge my indebtedness to Swedish clinical scholarship, especially an early engagement with PIBranemark’s osseointegration narrative. His work catalyzed a seminal mission for my discipline by introducing a scientifically viable way to address adverse sequelae associated with depleted and absent dentitions. Hence my mid-to- late career’s commitment to contribute to an international initiative that sought to advance dental implant therapy – not as an exclusive, fiscally remunerative, spare parts treatment culture, where elegant biotech risked usurping ethical considerations; but as a new think that reconciled the fascinating range of patient needs,  systemic health and socio-economic considerations, with osseointegration’s potential for diverse and predictable clinical applications.  Documented efficacy and effectiveness studies of clinical procedures continue to demand robust scientific pathways to informed decision-making; and Branemark’s work significantly addressed these twin domains of evidence-based dentistry.

Professor Mats Trulsson
Mastication Matters: Implants for healthy aging
This talk will explore into the basic neurophysiology of chewing in patients with dental implants, drawing from both foundational and recent clinical studies in humans. We will examine how dental implants, a revolutionary advancement in oral rehabilitation, affect the neural mechanisms involved in chewing. The presentation will highlight the success of dental implants in restoring or enhancing chewing functions. It will also examine the impact of oral rehabilitation on nutrient intake and its potential effects on cognition and frailty. Additionally, the talk will explore how these factors influence the overall quality of life, particularly for older adults.

Medverkande: George Zarb & Mats Trulsson
Arrangör: Svenska Tandläkare-Sällskapet

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